No idea why you would want to do it, but it's easy with -forval-
set obs `=26*35'
g x=.
g a=.
g i=.
local n=1
forv i=1/26 {
forv a=1/35 {
qui replace x=`i'`a' in `n'
qui replace i=`i' in `n'
qui replace a=`a' in `n'
local n=`n'+1
On 3/8/06, Suzy <[email protected]> wrote:
> I am entering in some data manually and I would like to be able to
> quickly insert unique numeric identifiers which represent 26 individual
> subjects each with 35 attributes.
> The values for the individual identifiers look like this:
> subject 1 with 1-35 attributes =
> 11,12,13,14,....110,111,112...120,121,122...130,131,132,133,134,135
> subject 2 with 1-35 attributes =
> 21,22,23,24,....210,211,212...220,221,222...230,231,232,233,234,235
> subject 3 with 1-35 attributes =
> 31,32,33,34.....310,311,312...320,321,322...330,331,332,333,334,335
> etc. to subject 26 w/ 1-35 attributes...261,262,263
> These values will be manually inputted in one column under varname (obs)
> in ascending order of subject number(s) and attribute number(s).
> obs
> 11
> 12
> 13
> 14
> .etc
> .etc
> 110
> 111
> 112
> .etc
> .etc
> .etc
> 21
> 22
> 23
> 24
> 25
> .etc
> .etc
> .etc
> I'm wondering if there is Stata listmember that could generate these
> values via Stata coding and would be willing to share that information.
> Thank you!
> Suzy
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