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Re: st: Thanks, Really! => graph twoway bar horizontal vs. graph hbar

From   "Austin Nichols" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Thanks, Really! => graph twoway bar horizontal vs. graph hbar
Date   Mon, 6 Mar 2006 10:22:30 -0500

Oh, okay.  You're welcome.  As for why
   relabel(3 " " 6 " " 9 " ")
as a suboption of over() doesn't work, I have no idea.  I agree it
seems like it should, or the reason why it doesn't should be included
at the relevant spot the help file. There are other examples of this,
I believe, in other parts of the -graph- suite of commands, though
none occur to me at the moment.  The use of characters that "look
like" spaces where spaces don't work is a handy trick, in several
contexts--maybe there should be a FAQ (an FAQ?) on special characters
and their uses...  calling Nick Cox...

On 3/5/06, Hiroshi Maeda <[email protected]> wrote:
> Dear Dr. Nichols,
> Well, e-mail communication is hard! I was not being clear in my previous
> note thanking YOU! I understood you first time and tried your
> suggestions, which worked perfectly (Well, thank you again!). I opted
> for the -relabel(3 "':di char(160)'"...) solution. So I was not saying
> your solution did not work. What I tried, but failed, to convey in my
> previous note was this: before I posted my question, I had tried
> -relabel(3 " " 6 " " 9 " ")-, which had not worked. You warned in your
> reply that it would not work. I was merely curious to know why
> -relabel(3 " " 6 " " 9 " ")- did not work; having read the Graphics
> manual, I felt it should have worked... Anyway, I understood you first
> time and thank you. Have a great Sunday. ---Hiroshi

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