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st: LaTeX production files for the Stata Journal have been updated

From   [email protected] (Jeff Pitblado, StataCorp LP)
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: LaTeX production files for the Stata Journal have been updated
Date   Wed, 21 Dec 2005 13:33:10 -0600

Dear statalisters,

We thought you might like to know that the LaTeX production files for the
Stata Journal have been updated.

If you are interested in--but are not aware of--the -sjlatex- command, type
the following to install -sjlatex- and put a copy of the LaTeX production
files in a folder named 'mysjarticle' on your machine:

	. net from
	. net describe sjlatex
	. net install sjlatex
	. help sjlatex
	. sjlatex install using mysjarticle

If you already have -sjlatex- and are using Stata 9, use the new -adoupdate-
command to get your -sjlatex- up-to-date.

Users of the beamer document class may be interested to know that 'stata.sty'
has been updated so that the 'stlog' environment will now work reasonably well
within beamer presentations.  The 'stlog' environment now has an optional
argument that will allow you the freedom to set the font size for the logs you
present in your document.  Here is an example of how you can get 'stlog' to
use a 12pt font size:

	{						% begin group
	\fontsize{12}{13}\selectfont			% set 12pt font size
	\begin{stlog}[auto]				% new 'auto' arg
	. regress mpg turn
	}						% end group

Note that we use '{' and '}' to group the 'stlog' environment (in case you want
only to change the font size for the 'stlog'), we set the font size to 12pt
(baselineskip of 13pt), and specify '\begin{stlog}[auto]' instead of
'\begin{stlog}'.  By default 'stlog' uses an 8pt font.


--Jeff Pitblado				--Lisa Gilmore
[email protected]			[email protected]
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