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Re: st: bug in matrix svd

From   [email protected] (Jean Marie Linhart, StataCorp LP)
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: bug in matrix svd
Date   Wed, 21 Dec 2005 13:21:14 -0600

AbdelRahmen "U.A.QU.AP" <uaquap at gnet at tn> writes: 

> when I perform a singular value decomposition of a matrix G (say) I
> expect that stata create 3 matrix U W V such that U W V =G where W
> contains the singular value og G in DECREASING order (this is
> important to perform later a test of rank of such marix), but Stata
> put the smallest singular value in the top diagonal of W while the
> rest of singular value are ordred as expected.
> How to fix such problem.
> below the code:
> mat svd U W V=G
> mat list W
> W[1,9]
>           y1         y1         y1         y1         y1    
>    y1
> r1  3.538e-18  .61151468  .61151468  .31692701  .31692701 
> .16776301
>            y1         y1         y1
> r1  .16776301  .02892478  .02892478

This is not a bug -- -matrix svd- does not necessarily return the
singular values in decreasing order.  There's an example in [P] matrix
svd showing this.

Abdel Rahmen still wants SVDs in decreasing order, and this can be
accomplished without too much sweat.  When one sorts SVDs (the w
matrix) one must also sort the columns in matrices U and V to reflect the
sort order of w.

Since I do not have Abdel Rahmen's matrix, I created an example of
my own.  This code should be pretty easy to modify for another matrix.

Here is the business end of the code.  I assume you already have defined
matrix M, locals R and C containing its number of rows and number of
columns respectively, and singular value decomposition matrices U,w
and V so that M=U*w*V'.  So w is the matrix of singular values, and it
is not in decreasing order.  This code segment will make newV, newU,
and newW for which newU*newW*newV' = M is a singular value
decomposition for M, and newW will be in decreasing order.

------Here's the code segment:
mat newV = V
mat newU = U
mat newW = w
/* I can sort the svds, but in order to keep the same decomposition,
I have to also swap columns on the matricies U and W */
forv i = 1/`C' {
	local i1 = `i'+1
	forv j = `i1'/`C' {
		if newW[1,`j'] > newW[1,`i'] { /* sort the svd values */
			scalar temp = newW[1,`i']
			mat newW[1,`i'] = newW[1,`j']
			mat newW[1,`j'] = temp
			forv k= 1/`R' { /* exchange cols on newU to
					 reflect the sorting */
				scalar temp = newU[`k',`i']
				mat newU[`k',`i'] = newU[`k',`j']
				mat newU[`k',`j'] = temp
			forv k = 1/`C' { /* exchange cols on newV to
					    reflect the sorting */
				scalar temp = newV[`k',`i']
				mat newV[`k',`i'] = newV[`k',`j']
				mat newV[`k',`j'] = temp
------End of the code segment.

Here's the results I got when using it:

. matlist M

             |        c1         c2         c3         c4 
          r1 |  .0309208   .5281447   -.265614  -.0775027 
          r1 |  .0538678   .3738923  -.3125677   .0430579 
          r2 |   .011597   .1006803   .0999158  -.1563584 
          r3 |  .1994718  -.0759514    -.02415  -.0380916 
          r4 | -.2715102  -.2585969   .1569542   .1472474 

. local R = rowsof(M)

. local C = colsof(M)

. mat svd U w V = M

. /* not in sorted order */
. mat list w

           c1         c2         c3         c4
r1  .84156286  .33406167  6.954e-17  .24098829

. mat newV = V

. mat newU = U

. mat newW = w

. /* I can sort the svds, but in order to keep the same decomposition,
> I have to also swap columns on the matricies U and W */
. forv i = 1/`C' {
  2.         local i1 = `i'+1
  3.         forv j = `i1'/`C' {
  4.                 if newW[1,`j'] > newW[1,`i'] { /* sort the svd values */
  5.                         scalar temp = newW[1,`i']
  6.                         mat newW[1,`i'] = newW[1,`j']
  7.                         mat newW[1,`j'] = temp
  8.                         forv k= 1/`R' { /* exchange cols on newU to
>                                          reflect the sorting */
  9.                                 scalar temp = newU[`k',`i']
 10.                                 mat newU[`k',`i'] = newU[`k',`j']
 11.                                 mat newU[`k',`j'] = temp
 12.                         }
 13.                         forv k = 1/`C' { /* exchange cols on newV to
>                                             reflect the sorting */
 14.                                 scalar temp = newV[`k',`i']
 15.                                 mat newV[`k',`i'] = newV[`k',`j']
 16.                                 mat newV[`k',`j'] = temp
 17.                         }
 18.                 }
 19.         }
 20. }

. /* Now I have the svds in sorted order */
. matlist newW

             |        c1         c2         c3         c4 
          r1 |  .8415629   .3340617   .2409883   6.95e-17 

. /* Now I check that I did the right thing -- that my new matrix is
>    the same as the old one ... */
. mat newM = newU*diag(newW)*newV'

. /* assert that I got back what I started with, to a reasonable numeric
> precision */
. assert mreldif(newM, M) < 1e-13

. mat Id = I(`C')

. mat Ic = newV*newV'

. assert mreldif(Ic, Id) < 1e-13 /* newV*newV' ~ Identity matrix */

. /* in case you'd rather see this ... */
. matlist newM

             |        c1         c2         c3         c4 
          r1 |  .0309208   .5281447   -.265614  -.0775027 
          r1 |  .0538678   .3738923  -.3125677   .0430579 
          r2 |   .011597   .1006803   .0999158  -.1563584 
          r3 |  .1994718  -.0759514    -.02415  -.0380916 
          r4 | -.2715102  -.2585969   .1569542   .1472474 

. /* It should be the same as the old one */
. matlist M

             |        c1         c2         c3         c4 
          r1 |  .0309208   .5281447   -.265614  -.0775027 
          r1 |  .0538678   .3738923  -.3125677   .0430579 
          r2 |   .011597   .1006803   .0999158  -.1563584 
          r3 |  .1994718  -.0759514    -.02415  -.0380916 
          r4 | -.2715102  -.2585969   .1569542   .1472474 

. /* and it is! */

Hope that helps,

--Jean Marie
[email protected]
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