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st: tech report on strategic use of stat packages

From   Kit Baum <[email protected]>
To   [email protected], [email protected]
Subject   st: tech report on strategic use of stat packages
Date   Fri, 2 Dec 2005 10:30:40 -0500

Michael writes
"7. It is penny wise and pound foolish to skimp on purchasing useful statistical software. Statistical
software can be one of the most powerful tools for testing your hypotheses and advancing your research.
Using an inappropriate tool to save a modest amount of money is more costly in terms of your time,
and more costly in terms of handicapping your ability to put forth the most compelling statistical case
possible. Consider the value of software by weighing its costs against the benefits it provides."

It is equally important to consider budgeting for updates to stat packages. With some packages, there are annual fees, so this is not an issue. But for Stata, many users' difficulties and anguished cries for help on Statalist are related to their use of older versions of Stata that do not possess the same suite of capabilities as the current version. Likewise, many user-written contributions require an up-to-date version of Stata, because user-programmers are making use of the enhancements.

Although it is often more difficult (in my experience) for an institution to deal with an infrequent (ca. every 2-2.5 years) and sizable update fee than it would be to budget an annual maintenance fee, users at those laggard institutions should be mobilized to press for updates when they become available. The additional features and speed improvements made accessible by Mata---even if you never write a line of Mata---alone are worth the upgrade to version 9.x.

Kit Baum, Boston College Economics

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