David Airey wrote (excerpted):
Anyone have the reference to the "Waller-Duncan" test? Is this the
multiple range test?
Citations copied out of SAS user's manuals on the Internet:
Duncan, D.B. (1975), "t Tests and Intervals for Comparisons Suggested by the
Data," Biometrics, 31, 339 -359.
Waller, R.A. and Duncan, D.B. (1969), "A Bayes Rule for the Symmetric
Multiple Comparison Problem," Journal of the American Statistical
Association, 64, 1484 -1499, and (1972) "Corrigenda," 67, 253 -255.
Waller, R.A. and Duncan, D.B. (1972), "Corrigenda," Journal of the American
Statistical Association, 67, 253 -255.
Waller, R.A. and Kemp, K.E. (1976), "Computations of Bayesian t-Values for
Multiple Comparisons," Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation,
75, 169 -172.
Other references (at-hand):
P. H. Westfall, R. D. Tobias, D. Rom, R. D. Wolfinger & Y. Hochberg, Chapter
13--Bayesian multiple comparisons and multiple tests. in _Multiple
Comparisions and Multiple Tests Using the SAS System_ (Cary, North Carolina:
SAS Institute, 1999).
R. G. D. Steel & J. H. Torrie [posthumous], Section 8.10--Waller-Duncan's
Bayesian k-ratio t Test. in _Principles and Procedures of Statistics: A
Biometrical Approach_ Second Edition. (Tokyo: McGraw-Hill Kogakusha, 1980),
pp. 190-91.
This latter cites the following in addition:
D. O. Dixon & D. B. Duncan, Minimum Bayes risk t-intervals for multiple
comparisons. _J Amer Stat Assoc_ 70:822-31, 1975.
As you can infer from the titles, the Waller-Duncan test is not Duncan's New
Multiple Range Test.
Joseph Coveney
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