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Re: st: -Ologit- and -fitstat- (Stata 9)

From   "Herve STOLOWY" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   Re: st: -Ologit- and -fitstat- (Stata 9)
Date   Sat, 29 Oct 2005 23:15:33 +0200

Dear Clive:

As you can see from my reply to Richard, I did exactly what you suggest and it still does not work.

I even added something new:

ado uninstall spostado

to be sure that the commands relating to Stata 8 had been uninstalled.

Here are the versions I use:

 which ologit
C:\Program Files\Stata9\ado\base\o\ologit.ado
*! version 1.0.9  31mar2005

which fitstat
C:\Program Files\Stata9\ado\updates\f\fitstat.ado
*! version 1.7.9 26Oct2005

I am sorry to bother you but this is really strange.

Best regards


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>>> [email protected] 10/29/05 8:43 PM >>>
Herv� Stolowy wrote:

> I face a difficulty with the command -fistat- (downloadable from SSC)
> after -ologit-.
> [Excerpted]
> When I type -fitstat-, I get the follwing error message:
> fitstat
> Measures of Fit for ologit of format
> [_cut1] not found
> r(111);
> I must tell that I am very surprised because:
> - fitstat works perfectly after -mlogit- (with the same dataset)
> - fitstat used to work perfectly a few weeks ago with the same dataset
> after -ologit-, before I switched to Stata 9 (from Stata 8.2).
> When I read the -fitstat- help file, it's still written that this command
> can be used after -ologit-.
> Obviously, I miss something about -ologit- (or -fitstat-).

Tweaking Joseph Coveney's command produces the result that Herve is
looking for. Simply type:

. net from

and then click on -spost9_ado-.

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