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Re: st: RE: Function to assign a value label to a global marco

From   "Lars E. Kroll" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: RE: Function to assign a value label to a global marco
Date   Fri, 14 Oct 2005 14:44:28 +0200

Thank you Thomas & Fred,

Sorry, I didn't answer but I got that function right after Fred's hint to h extended_fcn ...


Here's my Code which draws an bar chart if someone is interested in it:
outcome is a probabolity and uvar is 0/1 coded
foreach outcome in Y1 Y2 {
foreach uvar in X1 X2 {
gen outcome1 = `outcome' if `uvar'==1
global label1 : label (`uvar') 1
gen outcome0 = `outcome' if `uvar'==0
global label0 : label (`uvar') 0
graph bar (mean) outcome1 outcome0 [pw=phrf] if jahr==2003, ///
over(`uvar' , label(nolabels)) ///
over(alter_gr4) outergap(25) bargap(-90) ///
ylabel(0 "0%" .10 "10%" .20 "20%" .30 "30%" .40 "40%" .5 "50%" ///
.60 "60%" .70 "70%" .80 "80%" .90 "90%" 1.0 "100%" , angle(horizontal)) ///
xsize(3.9375) ysize(2.95) scheme(lean2) bar(1, fcolor(navy*.6)) bar(2, fcolor(navy)) ///
legend(order(2 "${label0}" 1 "${label1}" )textfirst cols(2) position(6) symxsize(medium))
graph export "${arbeitsverzeichnis}Grafiken/deskriptiv/`outcome'_`uvar'.eps", replace
drop outcome*

Steichen, Thomas J. schrieb:

Fred Wolfe said to see extended functions... He's right, but you want _macro_ extended functions, so start with macro first.

Here's the diagram for what you want:

{local | global} macname : label { valuelabelname | (varname) } {
maxlength | # [#] } [, strict ]

global myvaluelabel : label mylabel 1

And if, say, mylabel was the value label for variable myvar, you could
directly do:
global myvaluelabel : label (myvar) 1
And Stata will figure out which value label you want.


On Behalf Of Lars E. Kroll
Sent: Friday, October 14, 2005 7:08 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: st: Function to assign a value label to a global marco

Dear all,

I'm trying to do the following:

. label define mylabel 1 "Hello" 2 "Good Bye"
. global myvaluelabel UNKNOWNFUNCTION(mylabel,1)
. di "{$myvaluelabel} XY!"

But I don't know the UNKNOWNFUNCTION and I didn't find an information about. But I know that it is possible..

(In fact I want to assign the value label to a legend in an overlaid tw graph.. )

I hope someone can help me..


Lars E. Kroll
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