In your case, make sure that the identifier is of -long- type.
. gen long newid = _n
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> []On Behalf Of Nick Cox
> Sent: 05 October 2005 10:33
> To:
> Subject: st: RE: Changes of the dataset
> This looks like a -reshape- to me.
> . l
> +-----------------------------------+
> | buyer price colour age id |
> |-----------------------------------|
> 1. | X 10 Yellow 12 1 |
> 2. | X 10 Red 16 2 |
> 3. | Y 12 Red 16 2 |
> 4. | Z 13 Red 16 2 |
> 5. | Z 15 Blue 4 3 |
> |-----------------------------------|
> 6. | Y 80 Green 1 4 |
> 7. | H 6 White 20 5 |
> 8. | H 10 White 20 5 |
> 9. | X 14 Red 16 2 |
> +-----------------------------------+
> . gen newid = _n
> . reshape wide price, i(newid id colour age) j(buyer) string
> (note: j = H X Y Z)
> Data long -> wide
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> ---------------
> Number of obs. 9 -> 9
> Number of variables 6 -> 8
> j variable (4 values) buyer -> (dropped)
> xij variables:
> price -> priceH priceX
> ... priceZ
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> ---------------
> . renpfix price
> . drop newid
> . l
> +---------------------------------------+
> | colour age id H X Y Z |
> |---------------------------------------|
> 1. | Yellow 12 1 . 10 . . |
> 2. | Red 16 2 . 10 . . |
> 3. | Red 16 2 . . 12 . |
> 4. | Red 16 2 . . . 13 |
> 5. | Blue 4 3 . . . 15 |
> |---------------------------------------|
> 6. | Green 1 4 . . 80 . |
> 7. | White 20 5 6 . . . |
> 8. | White 20 5 10 . . . |
> 9. | Red 16 2 . 14 . . |
> +---------------------------------------+
> See [D] reshape and the FAQ on reshape.
> Nick
> I.A.C. van de Snepscheut
> > I have a problem with my dataset. It is very huge, almost 400000
> > lines. I want to change my dataset. It is sort of
> transposing a very
> > big matrix. But the difference is that the columns with the
> same must
> > be put together. To be clear is here a table how the
> situation is in
> > small:
> >
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