Thanks to Kit Baum, an update of -checkfor2- is available on the SSC archive.
-checkfor2- is a module to check for availability of variables in a (big) data
set. This is useful when one has comparable datasets but does not know which
variable is in which dataset. A program looping accross datasets will crash if
there is such a case. checkfor2 will loop across datasets and store available
variables in a local macro (using Nick Cox's isvar). Options could be specified
to deal with the number of missings in the available variables, along with
putting outputs in a concise table. The user could also specify the type of
missing value (mostly for string variables). Finally, a new option allows the
user to create a new variable recording the number of missings.
checkfor2 is now authored by Jean-Benoit Hardouin and me.
To install, type:
ssc install checkfor2, replace
Amadou Bassirou DIALLO.
Poverty and Health Specialist.
AFTPM, The World Bank.
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