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Re: st: Two Questions about Release 9.1

From   n j cox <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Two Questions about Release 9.1
Date   Fri, 16 Sep 2005 12:27:17 +0100

Two different points:

1. I guess you could write your own command based on -file-
to read in text strings and assign them to value labels.

2. One of the many interesting aspects of Statalist is that
you learn about other people's quite different desires
in data analysis. If you had value labels longer than 244 characters, when and how in Stata would you make _practical_ use of them?

[email protected]

>>> Joseph Coveney

2. (This isn't really new to 9.1, but the announcement caused me to look
at -help limits- again.) According to the help file, "length of string in string expression " and the "length of a string variable" are both 244 characters. The "length of value label string" is 32 000, however. Am I reading this correctly, that by putting the text contents into a value label we can work around the 244-character limit of string variables? If so, how can this normally be accomplished in practice? By using -infile , automatic-? I've had trouble understanding how the -automatic- option works in -infile-.

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