First, thanks to StataCorp for their wonderful support of a great product.
Even what might seem like small stuff, such as the -compact- option
for -codebook-, is very much appreciated. (The last -codebook- logfile that
I did produced a 3.5-megabyte .html file after -log2html-.)
Couple of questions.
1. According to the on-line help file, "permute now uses two random uniform
variables to generate Monte Carlo permutations of the values of the permute
variable." Is this in order to effectively increase the period of the
pseudorandom number sequence? If so, what is the period now for -permute-?
2. (This isn't really new to 9.1, but the announcement caused me to look
at -help limits- again.) According to the help file, "length of string in
string expression " and the "length of a string variable" are both 244
characters. The "length of value label string" is 32 000, however. Am I
reading this correctly, that by putting the text contents into a value label
we can work around the 244-character limit of string variables? If so, how
can this normally be accomplished in practice? By using -infile ,
automatic-? I've had trouble understanding how the -automatic- option works
in -infile-.
Joseph Coveney
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