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st: Can Y be a predicted variable?

From   TinnaLaufey Asgeirsdottir <>
Subject   st: Can Y be a predicted variable?
Date   Fri, 9 Sep 2005 13:31:53 -0400

Dear statalisters,

I have a dependent variable in 5 levels (Self-Assessed Health Status
from very good to very poor). I am currently assuming a latent
continuous variable, but that is problematic for some of my analysis.
I have some other measures of health in my data and was wondering if
it was appropriate to create a new one that would be continuous. My
suggestion would be:

1. regress SAHS on other health variables.
2. Predict SAHS (lets call it SAHShat) based on the previous regression.
3. The new measure would be calculated as an average of SAHS and SAHShat

This looks like a good idea to me, but I wonder why I don't see anyone
else doing this if it is OK. Those of you that fell of your office
chairs in laughter could maybe get back on and explain why not,
because it seems fine idea to me right now.


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