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Re: st: stata8 update

From   Richard Williams <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: stata8 update
Date   Fri, 02 Sep 2005 06:43:19 -0500

At 06:16 AM 9/2/2005, Kit Baum wrote:
Since some SSC packages have many, many files associated with them
(and some of those nowadays are indeed binary--such as Mata object
libraries, not relevant for Stata 8) I would recommend finding a
machine with Internet access, using Stata on that machine (even if
you have to temporarily install Stata there) to do the 'ssc
install...' steps, and then copying items you have installed from ~/ ado/plus on that machine to the machine lacking internet access. You
could just zip the entire ~/ado/plus directory and move it over to
the other machine with a flash drive or whatever, and merge the
contents with ~/ado/plus on the target machine.
I agree. I routinely copy c:\ado from one machine to another. That way I have the same programs available whatever machine I am on. I suppose you could temporarily rename the current c:\ado to something else, download and install the files you wanted, and then move the new c:\ado over to another machine and restore the original one.

Conversely, when I was beta-testing my gologit2 program, I had people just download the program, and one way or another the program would somehow get zapped on their end. It worked much more smoothly when I set up an install routine for it.

Richard Williams, Notre Dame Dept of Sociology
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