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st: Left-aligned -tmap- legend

From   Friedrich Huebler <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Left-aligned -tmap- legend
Date   Thu, 25 Aug 2005 08:14:43 -0700 (PDT)

When I draw a map with -tmap- from SSC the legend keys and the legend
title are always centered and I don't know how to change this. Take
the following example:

. use us-database.dta, clear
. tmap choropleth winner if conterminous, id(id)
map(us-Coordinates.dta) legpos(7) legsize(2) legtitle("US
Presidential Election") clmethod(unique)

The entire legend is centered but I would like the title and the keys
to be left-aligned. In other words, the legend title should be at the
left margin of the graph and the boxes should be directly underneath
the letters "US".

Can this be done, either by changing an option or editing the -tmap-
ado files? I looked at tmap_choropleth.ado but don't understand how
the alignment of the legend is controlled.

Many thanks,

Friedrich Huebler

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