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st: RE: Overlapping variable labels

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: Overlapping variable labels
Date   Mon, 22 Aug 2005 18:18:10 +0100

I would phrase this in terms of text labels. 

Ulrich Kohler has written an -egen- function -gmlabvpos- 
using another approach to this problem, which is 
downloadable from SSC. 

[email protected] 

RJ Harris
> Have been having a problem of my own with the above as I'm 
> often getting
> groups of observations clustered together. The way I thought 
> to deal with
> this is to use the mlabvposition() option so that a variable 
> can be used to
> set the position of the label on a clock face.
> Of course, this is rather tedious to set by hand, so the 
> solution I came up
> with was to do a cluster analysis on the co-ordinates so they're in
> sensible groups, then do some trigonometry to set the clock 
> positions such
> that labels are spread out around each group of observations. 
> It doesn't
> work perfectly and takes a bit of fiddling with cluster sizes 
> sometimes,
> but might be worth a try. I don't know if anyone's had a go at this
> approach before and already done a far better job, but here 
> is some example
> code:
> gen temp = _N/5
> recast int temp, force
> replace temp = 1 if temp == 0
> local num = temp
> drop temp
> cluster kmeans x y, k(`num') gen(clNo)
> summ clNo
> local max = r(max)
> gen xx = .
> gen yy = .
> forvalues i = 1/`max'{
>  	summ x if clNo == `i'
>  	replace xx = x-r(mean) if clNo == `i'
>  	summ y if clNo == `i'
>  	replace yy = y-r(mean) if clNo == `i'
>  	replace xx = 1 if xx == 0	// some clusters only 1 obs
>  	replace yy = -1 if yy == 0
> }
> gen clockVar = .
> replace clockVar = 3-12*atan(yy/2*xx)/(2*_pi) if xx > 0 & yy > 0
> replace clockVar = 3-12*atan(yy/2*xx)/(2*_pi) if xx > 0 & yy < 0
> replace clockVar = 9-12*atan(yy/2*xx)/(2*_pi) if xx < 0 & yy < 0
> replace clockVar = 9-12*atan(yy/2*xx)/(2*_pi) if xx < 0 & yy > 0
> recast int clockVar, force
> replace clockVar = 12 if clockVar == 0
> sort clNo clockVar
> list
> scatter y x, mlabel(name) mlabvposition(clockVar)

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