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st: RE: Overlapping variable labels

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: Overlapping variable labels
Date   Fri, 5 Aug 2005 20:23:05 +0100

Solutions include: 

1. -graph hbar- 

2. -splitvallabels- from SSC 

3. explicit splitting of labels using 
compound double quotes (same as 2., but 
do it yourself) (discussed on Statalist

3. using smaller text 

4. text at an angle 

[email protected] 

Raphael Fraser
> When ever you plot a bar graph stata uses the variable label of the
> "over( variable)" to label the horizontal axis. My problem is the
> labels overlap on the horizontal axis and looks a bit messy. How can
> this be corrected?
> My code and graph is attached. Thank you in advance.
> #d;
> graph bar (count) p c, over(response) 
>         bargap(-20) bar(1,bcolor(red)) bar(2,bcolor(green)) 
> bar(3,bcolor(gold))
> 	 blabel(bar, format(%4.0f) position(outside))
> 	 legend(label(1 "Patients") label(2 "Controls") )
>          ytitle("Frequency") yla(,angle(0));
> #d;

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