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Re: st: outreg

From   "Clive Nicholas" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: outreg
Date   Sat, 30 Jul 2005 05:12:52 +0100 (BST)

Li Chuntao wrote:

>     I meet a strange problem when using outreg
>     I estimate a number of regressions with the following sentences:


> the results is rather strange:


> there are two coms between each column, and the first line displays more
> strange. It should be
> ,invest,invest,invest,invest,invest,invest,
> what is the matter? do anyone of you met this kind of problems?

Want a tip? Ditch -outreg- and start using the much more comprehensive
-estout- by Ben Jann (downloadable from SSC), and then you can do this to
get _exactly_ what you want (to use a silly example):

. webuse grunfeld

. qui reg invest company mvalue kstock

. est store Model1

. qui reg invest company mvalue kstock time

. est store Model2

. estout Model1 Model2, stats(F r2_a N, labels("F ratio"
  "Adjusted R-squared" "N")) cells(b(star fmt(%9.4f)) t(par fmt(%9.3f)))
  varwidth(30) modelwidth(10) label

                                    Model1          Model2
                                       b/t             b/t
company                            -2.0274         -2.3642
                                  (-0.559)        (-0.645)
mvalue                              0.1123***       0.1127***
                                  (13.549)        (13.539)
kstock                              0.2297***       0.2186***
                                   (8.977)         (7.075)
time                                                0.9037
_cons                             -27.7316        -32.7505
                                  (-0.975)        (-1.109)
F ratio                           283.4962        212.0869
Adjusted R-squared                  0.8098          0.8093
N                                 200.0000        200.0000

Although with better labels, obviously! Hope that helps. :)

CLIVE NICHOLAS        |t: 0(044)7903 397793
Politics              |e: [email protected]
Newcastle University  |

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