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Re: st: Re: memory for matrices

Subject   Re: st: Re: memory for matrices
Date   Wed, 27 Jul 2005 08:13:08 -0700

thank you. I'm trying to make things compatible with stata 7/8/9 so I think that Mata is out :( Thanks anyway though.

On Wed, 27 Jul 2005 09:23:54 -0400
Kit Baum <> wrote:

1) use findit. If an ado-file is publicly available (including official Stata, web sites linked to StataCorp and the SSC archive), findit will locate it, and you should not use it. StataCorp also suggests that you not use English words for ado-file names, since they might want to use them. That rule is sometimes hono(u)red.

2) Use Mata. It allows matrices of any size to overlay the data rather than necessarily existing side-by-side with the data with "views". You cannot alter the precision with which matrix elements are stored (which seems to be what you are asking for) but there is good reason for that. StataCorp doesn't want to support a product that is capable of generating highly imprecise computations if users ask for them.

Kit Baum, Boston College Economics

On Jul 27, 2005, at 2:33 AM, Florence wrote:

Hi, I have some technical questions about writing .ado files for semi-commercial stuff: (1) how do
you make sure that the names you are giving the .ado files don't conflict with other people's
program names? Is there some kind of standard? (2) Is there a way to reduce the amount of space
that matrices take up in memory? I keep running out of space for my matrices and I'm thinking
there should be a way to go over the official allocation of memory for matrices, or at least to
reduce the amount of space they are taking up so that as the amount of matrices in memory
increases, it does NOT take longer and longer times to process the operations...
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