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RE: st: tobit marginal effects

From   Richard Williams <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   RE: st: tobit marginal effects
Date   Thu, 21 Jul 2005 09:31:37 -0500

At 08:59 AM 7/21/2005 -0500, you wrote:
Hi Richard,
 Thank you for your fast response.  Unfortunately, I have tried
downloading spostado, and prchange does not work for tobit.  I have
asked the author of the routine, and he confirmed that it does not work,
 Thanks again for your help,
That is too bad! Yes, a program has to be officially "blessed" before -spost- will work with it. (I have that same problem with my -gologit2- program, which is why I include an option to make stored results compatible with -gologit-, which is supported by -spost-). -tobit- probably could be supported, but obviously it is not a priority, at least at this point.

Two other things you might try:

1. Use Stata's own -adjust- command.

2. I think the way many -spost- routines work is they generate fake cases with the desired values, and then use the -predict- command to come up with the predicted values for those cases.

I demonstrate these approaches on pp. 6-9 of

When it works, -prchange- is nice because it will compute various values for you (e.g. the highest value of x, the lowest value), but you can compute those things yourselves and then plug them in where appropriate.

Richard Williams, Notre Dame Dept of Sociology
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