Thanks to Kit Baum, two new packages called -jmp2- and
-smithwelch- are available from SSC.
-jmp2- and -smithwelch- both compute trend decompositions
of mean outcome differentials (i.e. decompositions of
differences in mean outcome differentials). Examples are
the decomposition of the change of the black-white wage
differential over time or the decomposition of country
differences in the male-female wage gap.
-jmp2- applies the method proposed by Juhn, Murphy and
Pierce (1991); -smithwelch- is based on the approach
proposed by Smith and Welch (1989).
To install the packages, type
. ssc install jmp2
. ssc install smithwelch
- Juhn, Chinhui, Kevin M. Murphy, Brooks Pierce (1991).
Accounting for the Slowdown in Black-White Wage
Convergence. Pp. 107-143 in: Workers and Their Wages,
ed. by Marvin Kosters, Washington, DC: AEI Press.
- Smith, James P., Finis R. Welch (1989). Black Economic
Progress After Myrdal. Journal of Economic Literature
27: 519-564.
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