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st: RE: Patterns in an area graph

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: Patterns in an area graph
Date   Mon, 6 Jun 2005 17:23:29 +0100

In principle, you could knit your own area 
patterns from point and line elements or by 
using area elements as building blocks. 

That said, the practical answer is No. 

There have been various discussions of 
this on Statalist over the years. 
In essence StataCorp has long 
since cleaved to the line that 
area patterns are at root a bad 
idea. See the works of Edward Tufte, 

In your case you want to contrast 
two time series. There would be 
seem to be plenty of scope for doing 
this via different line patterns 
even without colour variations. 

[email protected] 

Dominic Muston
> Is there any way I can persuade Stata 8 to draw an area graph with
> hatching rather than a particular colour?
> My coding is below. The key bit is "bfcolor(gray)". The journal we
> would like to submit to publishes in black & white and frowns on grey
> shading because such graphs "do not reproduce well". Fair enough. I'd
> like to replace the area of "gray" with an area of white with black
> dots, or an area of white with black diagonal cross-hatching stripes.
> I can see various commands that control lines, but few that control
> patterns/colours within areas.
> Any ideas? Surely this is not an impossibility?
> Thank you,
> Dominic Muston.
> Here's the code ...
> #delim;
> twoway (area conlow time, base(100) bfcolor(gray) blwidth(thin))
>             (area conmid time, base(100) bfcolor(black)
> blwidth(thin)),
>             legend(off) graphregion(margin(small)) xtitle("")
>             yscale(range(0 100)) ylabel(0(20)100, grid labsize(large))
>             xscale(range(0 15)) xlabel(0(5)15, grid labsize(large))
>             name(albgra, replace);

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