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st: re: nlogitrum

From   "Flora Au" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: re: nlogitrum
Date   Thu, 5 May 2005 09:14:28 -0600 (MDT)


I am having problem with NLOGITRUM.

This the the command I am using to run the model:

nlogitgen branch = alt(package:1|2, nopack:3)
nlogittree alt branch
nlogitrum pref nurse nsq na2 na3 n_nt1st n_highedu homevis visitsq va2 va3
 hv_nt1st hv_highedu nhv homehelp helpsq cost c_highinc, group(indid)
 nests(alt branch)

The first two command ran fine, however the last command result in an
 error message which is written as follow:

could not calculate numerical derivatives
flat or discontinuous region encountered

Can you assist me as to how to fix this model?

Thank you in advance,
[email protected]

Flora Au
Research Assistant
Centre for Health and Policy Studies
Dept. of Community and Health Sciences
University of Calgary
G012B, 3330 Hospital Drive NW
Calgary, AB T2N 4N1 Canada

Tel: (403) 220 8142
Fax: (403) 210 3818
Email: [email protected]

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