Thanks for your help. Then, there is a methodological objection
against ecological fallacy. See these are not the same individuals
over time, but these are the same countries over time. The problem I
am facing is about fixing the time variable to put in the equation.
Is it ok if I simply put the panel ID as "Nations", but do not do
Time variable part?
Please help me once more.
--- In [email protected], Ralph.Heinrich@u... wrote:
> One solution is to specify "individuals" rather than "nations" as
the panel
> ID. To capture the information contained in the variation across
> you can create country dummies.
> Best
> Ralph
> Dr. Ralph Heinrich
> Economic Affairs Officer
> Economic Analysis Division
> UN Economic Commission for Europe
> room 441
> Palais des Nations
> 1211 Geneva 10
> phone: 0041 22 917 1269
> http://www.unece.org/ead/ead_h.htm
> *
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