Hi Jyotsna:
Thanks for your help, but i am confused, b/c if I run "collapse", the
whole dataset gives me only one value for all variables. Looks like
these are means. could you kindly give me the steps to follow?
Let me give you the data format ( hypothetical):
waves countries var 1
1981 Fance 5
1981 France 7
1981 France 10
1981 England 15
1981 England 25
1990 France 15
1990 France 20
1990 England 30
(and so on....)
The data are individual level.
Please enlighten me further if you can.
--- In [email protected], "jyotsna puri" <pjyotsna@h...>
> Shyamal,
> You wouldnt have to re-enter your data to use
> averages across nations, as your observational units.
> You could just use -collapse- and then do your panel
> estimation.
> HTH.
> -Jyotsna
> Jyotsna (Jo) Puri
> pjyotsna@h...
> Doctoral Candidate, Department of Agriculture and Resource
> University of Maryland, College Park, MD
> ----Original Message Follows----
> From: "Shyamal Kumar Das" <shyamal@s...>
> Reply-To: statalist@h...
> To: statalist@h...
> Subject: st: Panel ID and Time Variable
> Date: Mon, 11 Apr 2005 05:50:05 -0400 (EDT)
> Hi:
> I am new in statalistserv. Let me describe my problem. I
> have a cross-national dataset for 93 countries that I
> collected from ICPSR's World Value Surveys. Now, in this
> dataset, the unit of analysis is INDIVIDUAL (a total of
> approximately 42,000 individuals for 93 countries) with
> three waves (years): 1981, 1990, and 1997; when I want to
> run Random or Fixed effect models, and put "nations" as
> Panel ID, I get results, but when I put "nations" as Panel
> ID and "Waves" as Time variable, STATA suggests that there
> are repeated time values in the panel. I guess this is
> because each individual (unit of analysis) has the same
> year. For example, 4000 indivials of France in 1981 have
> 1981 as time variable. Perhaps, therefore, I do not get any
> result out of it. I know that by calculating nations'
> averages, and entering these as new variables might solve
> the problem. I was loooking for some simpler solution to the
> problem so that I do not need to reenter data. I have two
> questions in this regard: (1) How can I do panel analysis
> using this dataset putting "Nations" and "Waves" as my Panel
> ID and Time variable respectively? (2) If I do not put Time
> variable, but put Panel ID and run regression, and get
> results, is it ok for my panel analysis?
> I would appreciate if anyone kindly enlighten me in the
> above problem. This will save me at this point.
> Shyamal
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