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Re: st: question on -tabout-

From   Ian Watson <[email protected]>
To   statalist <[email protected]>
Subject   Re: st: question on -tabout-
Date   Sat, 2 Apr 2005 10:12:54 +1000

Paul Visintainer wrote:

VP> Is there anyway to get -tabout- produce row percentages using the option
VP> "double" (or any other option) rather than column percentages?  I'd like
VP> to generate two-way tables with double columns (side-by-side columns
VP> showing n and %), but with row percentages, rather than column
VP> percentage.

At present the double option only supports columns. If it's mainly the
results you want, then one work-around is to switch the order of your
variables (tabout x1 x2 becomes tabout x2 x1). However, there may be
other considerations which make this inappropriate. While the n option
does allow you to combine n and row percentages, you only get an n for
the totals, not for each cell.

-tabout- is under active development with a view to reproducing
-tabulate-'s ability to show n, col and row percentages
simultaneously. There are layout considerations, and one option I'm
considering is a new "panel" for each of these within an overall
two-way table of x1 by x2. Something like,

       Dog     Cat     Mouse   Total
Bread   2       4       6       12
Milk    1       3       5        9
Cheese  8       9      10       27
Total  11      16      21       48

Row %
Bread   17      33      50      100
Milk    11      33      56      100
Cheese  30      33      37      100
Total   23      33      44      100

Col %
Bread   18      25      29      25
Milk    9       19      24      19
Cheese  73      56      48      56
Total  100     100     100     100

I'd be interested in hearing from any -tabout- users if this would be
of use and what layout preferences they have. Or would it be preferable
to just allow the double option to include row percentages as Paul is
looking for?

Kind regards, 

Ian Watson
Senior Researcher
acirrt, University of Sydney
NSW, 2006, Australia

phone: 02 9351 5622
email:[email protected]

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