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st: Ranksum and Makematrix

From   "Herve STOLOWY" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Ranksum and Makematrix
Date   Fri, 01 Apr 2005 20:55:54 +0200

Dear All:

I face the following strange phenomenon concerning the -ranksum- test and -makematrix-.

If I use the following command:

makematrix c1, from(r(z) 2*normprob(-abs(r(z)))) : ranksum exp_fi , by(interne)

It works and I get the following matrix:

                          z  2*normprob(-abs(z))
exp_fi            4.9154637            8.857e-07

When I add two variables, my first variable is not disclosed anymore:

makematrix c2, from(r(z) 2*normprob(-abs(r(z)))) : ranksum exp_fi fonction_ent fonction_exp, by(interne)

                                z  2*normprob(-abs(z))
      exp_fi                    .                    .
fonction_ent           -5.8967476            3.707e-09
fonction_exp            5.8967476            3.707e-09

I know that the last two variables are defined on the basis of the first one. But is this explanation sufficient to understand why the first variable "disappears"? Why couldn't I have the first variable also reported, as it is with the first command?

Best regards

Herv� Stolowy

Coordinateur du D�partement/Head of Department
HEC Paris
D�partement Comptabilit� Contr�le de gestion / Dept of Accounting and Management Control
1, rue de la Liberation
78351 - Jouy-en-Josas
Tel: +33 1 39 67 94 42 - Fax: +33 1 39 67 70 86
[email protected]

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