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Re: st: Manipulating data

From   Rafal Raciborski <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Manipulating data
Date   Tue, 22 Mar 2005 17:32:23 -0500


Try -help reshape-

However, my short advice is this: Assume you have the following data (note that
you can have missing values and unequal number of observations per

. list  participant values

     | partic~t   values |
  1. |        1        2 |
  2. |        1        3 |
  3. |        1        . |
  4. |        1        6 |
  5. |        1        7 |
  6. |        1       12 |
  7. |        2        2 |
  8. |        2        6 |
  9. |        2        7 |
 10. |        2        8 |
 11. |        2       10 |
 12. |        3        0 |
 13. |        3        3 |
 14. |        3        4 |
 15. |        3        5 |
 16. |        3       16 |
 17. |        3       21 |

First, create a variable indicator (if you do not have any):

. list

     | partic~t   values   var_id |
  1. |        1        2        1 |
  2. |        1        3        2 |
  3. |        1        .        3 |
  4. |        1        6        4 |
  5. |        1        7        5 |
  6. |        1       12        6 |
  7. |        2        2        1 |
  8. |        2        6        2 |
  9. |        2        7        3 |
 10. |        2        8        4 |
 11. |        2       10        5 |
 12. |        3        0        1 |
 13. |        3        3        2 |
 14. |        3        4        3 |
 15. |        3        5        4 |
 16. |        3       16        5 |
 17. |        3       21        6 |

Finally, reshape into wide format:

. reshape wide values, i(participant) j(var_id)

/* output omitted */

. list

     | partic~t   values1   values2   values3   values4   values5   values6 |
  1. |        1         2         3         .         6         7        12 |
  2. |        2         2         6         7         8        10         . |
  3. |        3         0         3         4         5        16        21 |

Hope this helps,


Rafal Raciborski
Graduate student
Department of Political Science
Emory University
301 Tarbutton Hall
1555 Dickey Drive
Atlanta, GA 30322
404-378-9826 (home)
[email protected] (e-mail)

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