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st: Re: Assert question.

From   "Michael Blasnik" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Re: Assert question.
Date   Fri, 18 Mar 2005 17:28:41 -0500

You are only asking Stata to list observations where hid equals the prior hid, so you would only see one observation (the second) from each duplicate pair.

Michael Blasnik
[email protected]

----- Original Message ----- From: <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Sent: Friday, March 18, 2005 4:17 PM
Subject: st: Assert question.

I have a question.
I have identifiers ranking from 1 to 9882 on 4940 observations.
I have issued a command:

assert hid[_n-1]~=hid[_n]

and got a error message:
(6 contradictions in 4940 observations).

when I list:
list if hid[_n-1]==hid[_n]

I have:

.3902       3902
.4185       4186
.4231       4231
.4838       4837
.4884       4882
.4931       4929

I do not have a perfect merge so I guess the problem comes from

But I wonder why stata get confused. The values of hid are not identical.

Or am I too tired...

Thanks in advanced.

Amadou Bassirou DIALLO
Ph.D Candidate
Poverty Specialist, PREM, The World Bank.
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