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st: Svy for TREATREG?

From   Eric Sevigny <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Svy for TREATREG?
Date   Thu, 17 Mar 2005 08:36:09 -0500

Hi, is there an ado file available to run treatreg for complex-designed
survey data ?
You can probably use one of the methods below to run a design-based treatreg:

1) Use -treatreg- options to estimate regression model that partially adjusts for design elements. Specifically, that would mean ignoring strata (or disaggregating analyses by strata) while accounting for just the pweights and clusters.

2) Estimate model-based -treatreg- and then use -suest- to survey adjust the estimates.

3) Use Stata's -ml- capabilities to create -svytreatreg- estimation command (See Gould et al, 2003, Maximum Likelihood Estimation with Stata).

Eric Sevigny
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