From | Cameron Hooper <[email protected]> |
To | [email protected] |
Subject | Re: st: Programming question |
Date | Fri, 04 Mar 2005 16:36:15 -0500 |
Frankly, I think you will be better off starting with -rollreg-, notwithstanding the apparent quirk that Kit Baum is currently looking at.--
For example, your draft code
assumes that your identifiers are all present within a sequence;
calculates the SD of residuals even though that is a result left behind by -regress-;
wires in your own particular variable names;
makes presumptions about the sort order of observations.
None of these is necessarily fatal, but the whole means that this program may not bear very much pressure.
Rolling regressions is a little tricky as a Stata programming problem. Even if it weren't it would make sense to start from Kit's program as the best that's visible in Stataland.
Nick [email protected]
Cameron Hooper
David Kantor wrote:find that youAt 12:00 PM 3/4/2005 -0500, Cameron Hooper wrote:A novice programming question.If you tell us more about what you want to do, then we may
forvalues i = 1(1)<number of companies> {
for values j = 1(1)<number of observations for company `i'> {
<do stuff>
really don't need to do all that explicit looping.Experience has shown
David Harrison suggested:that it is very rare that you really need such looping.
summ id, meanonly
forvalues i = 1/`r(max)' {
qui count if id==`i'
forvalues j = 1/`r(N)' {
<do stuff>
Which does what I asked for (thanks David). However my ultimate goal is more complex than my original question suggested and upon using David's code I've seen a new difficulty. (I'm learning as I go!) Here is my full problem.
I want to estimate rolling regressions on a firm by firm basis. Then for each regression I want to find the standard deviation of the residuals. Something like:
program rstdres
version 8.0
syntax varlist , window(int) gen(string)
generate `gen' = .
tempvar resid
sum id, meanonly
for values i = 1/'r(max)' {
count if id==`i'
while `b' < `r(N)' {
regress y x in `a'/`b' if id == `i' /// See comment below
cap drop `resid'
predict `resid' if e(sample), resid
summarize `resid'
replace `gen' = r(sd) in `b'
local a = `a' + 1
local b = `b' + 1
My problem now is getting `a' and `b'. At the moment that are just placeholders in the code. They represent the rolling window. I don't know how to set them properly. Here is how they should behave:
id x y
1 1 5
1 2 6
1 4 2
2 2 5
2 8 9
2 6 1
2 2 4
2 4 9
When id == 2 I and `window' = 3 then I want a and b to be:
1 a = 4 b = 6
2 a = 5 b = 7
3 a = 6 b = 8
Can you suggest how to achieve this. Or am I approaching the entire problem in the wrong way?
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