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RE: st: histogram

From   "David Harrison" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   RE: st: histogram
Date   Tue, 22 Feb 2005 12:55:03 -0000

I would suggest you use the command -twoway__histogram_gen- (this is "undocumented", but does have a help file) to generate new variables and then plot them separately, e.g.

sysuse auto, clear
twoway__histogram_gen price, percent gen(h x)
local w=x[2]-x[1]
gen zero=0 if !missing(h)
label var zero "Percent"
twoway rbar h zero x if x<=12000, barw(`w')

Note that this plots all bars from the original histogram (-hist price, percent-) that are centred on a point<=12000 - if you wanted a neat cut at exactly 12000 you would need to specify the -start()- and -width()- options.


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