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st: RE: probabilistic interpretation of the word chance in french, english and spanish

From   "Salvati, Jean" <>
To   <>
Subject   st: RE: probabilistic interpretation of the word chance in french, english and spanish
Date   Fri, 28 Jan 2005 09:49:15 -0500

In French, the word "chance" has a positive connotation. Depending on the context, it means either "luck" or the probability of a positive outcome.

Jean Salvati

> -----Original Message-----
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of josemaria
> Sent: Thursday, January 27, 2005 9:04 PM
> To:
> Subject: st: probabilistic interpretation of the word chance 
> in french, english and spanish
> Dear Statalisters:
> it is not a Stata question, but may be some can help me in  a 
> subject related with the correct translation to portuguese of 
> the expression odds
> ratio:
> defining p1 as the probability of a success in group 1, the 
> odds for group 1 is (are?) p1/(1-p1).
> defining p2 as the probability of a success in group 2, the 
> odds for group 2 is p2/(1-p2).
> the odds ratio is [p1(1-p2)]/[p2(1-p1)]. For the interested 
> in portuguese, I would translate as "raz�o das raz�es de 
> probabilidades" (sorry for the tilde ~).
> Now, the word _chance_ is much used in portuguese, 
> coloquially, with the meaning, inter alia, of possibility. 
> But some people in Epidemiology is using as a translation for 
> odds ratio the expression "raz�o de chances", assuming that, 
> in English or French, in the field of Statistics, 
> chance=odds. If this is true, that translation for portuguese 
> can be accepted (even if I did not like it).
> Then, the question: how is the probabilistic interpretation 
> of the word chance? Is it p or is it p/(1-p)?
> Thanks and excuses for so long a question and perhaps of 
> little interest for those that do not speak portuguese.
> Jose Maria
> Jos� Maria Pacheco de Souza, Professor Titular Departamento 
> de Epidemiologia Faculdade de Sa�de P�blica/Universidade de 
> S�o Paulo Av. Dr. Arnaldo, 715 cep 01246-904 S�o Paulo Brasil 
> fones (11)3082-3886  (11)3066-7724 (11)3714-2403  (11)3768-8612
> fax   (11)3082-2920  (11)3714-2403
> --
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