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st: Corrupt display of helpfiles in the Viewer

From   "Jann, Ben" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Corrupt display of helpfiles in the Viewer
Date   Thu, 27 Jan 2005 10:51:55 +0100

Someone reported to me offlist that the helpfile of the new -jmp-
package seems to be corrupt. To display the file, type 

 rnethelp "";

in the Viewer (-rnethelp- only works in the Viewer).

Although I cannot confirm the problem in this specific case (on my
system the file is being displayed correctly), I suspect that there is
something wrong with Stata's Viewer. I myself have stumbled over the
problem once in a while that a helpfile was not displayed correctly (at
some point in the helpfile, the interpretation of paragraph stops and
the remaining text is being displayed unstructured) if the file was
directly drawn from the net. However, there does not seem to be anything
wrong with these file, because after installing the packages, the help
files could be displayed without problems. An example for such a file -
at least on my system - is the help file of the -statsmat- package on
SSC. Type 

 rnethelp "";

in the Viewer. 

A work around, of course, is to install the package and then view the
help file that has been copied to the local system. Nonetheless, I think
that this is a problem which should be taken care of.

Unfortunately, I could not figure out yet what is actally going wrong.
In addition, the problem seems to depend on the specific system (I am
using Stata 8.2, everything updated, on Win XP 2002 SP2). 

Do others experience similar problems? Does anyone have a clue why this


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