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st: Asking Stata to ignore "no observations" when running regressions

From   "Yvonne Capstick" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Asking Stata to ignore "no observations" when running regressions
Date   Thu, 27 Jan 2005 01:07:45 -0500

Using Nick's helpful method for looping (which I initially required to generate proportions), I'm now trying to do looping regressions. What I'd like is the coefficient on regressions for the last 5 years, and to store these just like I was storing the proportions.

My structure is permno year ret rp, where permno is a number which identifies each company uniquely.

I initially try:

gen brp = .
gen bsmb = .
gen bhml = .

forval m = 0/4 {
gen begin = year if mod(year,5) == `m'
bysort permno (year): replace begin = begin[_n-1] if missing(begin)
local i = 1990+`m'
local j = 10107
while `j' < 12000 {
while `i' < 2005 {
reg sret rp if permno == `j' & begin == `i'
replace brp = _b[rp] if year == `i' + 5 & permno == `j' & month == 1 & month[_n-1] == 12
local i = `i' + 5
local j = `j' + 1
drop begin

but, after doing everything successfully for permno 10007, it comes up with no observations for permno 10008. There is indeed no company with permno 10008 - but I would like it to skip to the next permno. Is there an option that asks Stata to skip and increment j once more if there are no observations?

I tried a long-winded way of doing this using an 'if' function, i.e.

forval m = 0/4 {
gen begin = year if mod(year,5) == `m'
bysort permno (year): replace begin = begin[_n-1] if missing(begin)
local i = 1990+`m'
local j = 10107
while `j' < 12000 {
qui gen temp = 1 if permno == `j'
if sum(temp) == 0 {
else {
while `i' < 2005 {
reg sret rp if permno == `j' & begin == `i'
replace brp = _b[rp] if year == `i' + 5 & permno == `j' & month == 1 & month[_n-1] == 12
local i = `i' + 5
local j = `j' + 1
local i = 1990+`m'
drop temp
drop begin

but this didn't seem to increment either.

Any advice would be much appreciated. In addition, is there an easier way of doing the whole thing without using 'while'? I tried something like:

forval m = 0/4 {
gen begin = year if mod(year,5) == `m'
bysort permno (year): replace begin = begin[_n-1] if missing(begin)
bysort (permno begin): reg sret rp

but this seems to only run one regression.

Thanks very much,

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