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st: RE: Telling Stata what computer I am on

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: Telling Stata what computer I am on
Date   Tue, 25 Jan 2005 12:30:21 -0000

I may be misunderstanding, but is this 
solved by having a on each 
computer containing the appropriate 
-global- definitions? 

[email protected] 

Kieran McCaul
> I work on two computers: one a desktop and the other a 
> laptop.  The desktop
> was setup with the hard-disk partition into C: and D: drives 
> and my data and
> programs are stored on the D: drive.
> My laptop, however, has only a C: drive.  Therfore, if I 
> write programs on
> one they will not run on the other unless I change the C: to 
> D: or visa
> versa.
> So I now put a global macro at the top of my programs to 
> store the alternate
> directory names something like this:
> global thesisdata "D:\My Documents\Thesis\Analysis 2003\Setup"
> global thesis "D:\My Documents\Thesis\Analysis 2003\Incidence 
> - Histology
> analysis"
> *global thesisdata "D:\Thesis\Analysis 2003\Setup"
> *global thesis "D:\Thesis\Analysis 2003\Incidence - Histology 
> analysis"
> Now to run a program on my laptop I would remove the * from 
> the two LAPTOP
> lines and add them to the two DESKTOP lines. 
> I occurred to me that perhaps Stata could tell which computer 
> it was running
> on.  If that were the case, I could re-write my code above so 
> that Stata
> automatically assigned the correct macro.
> I have found the c-class functions that store operating 
> system information,
> but there is nothing in these that is different between my 
> two machines. 
> Are there any undocumented c-class functions that could help, 
> or does anyone
> else have a different idea that might work.

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