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st: RE: Telling Stata what computer I am on

From   "David Harrison" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: Telling Stata what computer I am on
Date   Tue, 25 Jan 2005 12:26:21 -0000

I would suggest identifying which computer you are on by giving a simple command that will fail on one machine and capturing the output, e.g.

cap cd d:
if _rc {
else {

[email protected]

-----Original Message-----
From: Kieran McCaul [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: 25 January 2005 12:20
To: Statalist (E-mail)
Subject: st: Telling Stata what computer I am on

I work on two computers: one a desktop and the other a laptop.  The desktop
was setup with the hard-disk partition into C: and D: drives and my data and
programs are stored on the D: drive.

My laptop, however, has only a C: drive.  Therfore, if I write programs on
one they will not run on the other unless I change the C: to D: or visa

So I now put a global macro at the top of my programs to store the alternate
directory names something like this:

global thesisdata "D:\My Documents\Thesis\Analysis 2003\Setup"
global thesis "D:\My Documents\Thesis\Analysis 2003\Incidence - Histology
*global thesisdata "D:\Thesis\Analysis 2003\Setup"
*global thesis "D:\Thesis\Analysis 2003\Incidence - Histology analysis"

Now to run a program on my laptop I would remove the * from the two LAPTOP
lines and add them to the two DESKTOP lines. 

I occurred to me that perhaps Stata could tell which computer it was running
on.  If that were the case, I could re-write my code above so that Stata
automatically assigned the correct macro.

I have found the c-class functions that store operating system information,
but there is nothing in these that is different between my two machines. 

Are there any undocumented c-class functions that could help, or does anyone
else have a different idea that might work.

Thanks, Kieran

Kieran McCaul
Senior Lecturer
Dept of Epidemiology and Biostatistics
School of Public Health
Curtin University of Technology
GPO Box U1987
Western Australia 6845

CRICOS provider code 00301J

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