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st: Keeping Stata from unabbreviating variables

From   Thomas Speidel <>
Subject   st: Keeping Stata from unabbreviating variables
Date   Fri, 21 Jan 2005 15:14:29 -0700

I have noticed a potential problem with the unabbreviating command set to permanent.
If you instruct STATA not to abbreviate variables (i.e. .set varabbrev off, permanently), and then try a
. graph box var1, over(var2)

I get an error message of this type:

variable _bd_ not found
no variables defined

As soon as I go back to the default of abbreviating variables, everything goes back to normal. I am not sure how many command are affected. Perhaps, some ado's make use of the abbreviated version of a variable which cannot be found if we set to unabbreviate.


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