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st: regression models with small number of clusters

From   "Krishna D. Rao" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: regression models with small number of clusters
Date   Wed, 5 Jan 2005 14:06:31 -0800 (PST)

Dear All:

I had previously posted this and would like to thank
Roger Newson for his reply. Here is my problem in more

I am trying to fit a regression model to data which
was generated from cluster sampling. There are 12
clusters (clinics) and the  average cluster size is
around 30. The outcome of interest is a continuous
variable (patient satisfaction) and I am interested in
the factors which affect it. Since the data is
clustered and it is potentially correlated, I need to
adjusted for this in my regression model. What would
be the appropriate regression technique/model to do
this ? I understand that models such as multiple
regression with sandwich estimator (regress with
cluster option), and GEE are not appropriate as they
require a large number of clusters to provide
consistent estimates. Would a Random Effects (xtreg,
re) or Fixed Effects (xtreg, fe) model be appropriate
? Are there any others you would recomend ? Many
thanks for all your help..

Best regards
Dept. of International Health
Johns Hopkins University

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