"Most of the "add-ons" show up in the Statistical Software Components
(SSC) archive. On a monthly basis someone is kind enough to post a list
of packages downloaded and the frequency. I have personally found this
really helpful and its one way for me to know whats new (and hot), I
typically run through the top 20 and ssc describe them and if I find
something new and interesting then I install (there is some correlation
between number of downloads and usefulness..or is it that this is
captures the vogue effect)."
You need not wait for my monthly posting of activity (and in any case
the most popular materials are often the same, month to month). Just
use "ssc whatsnew" from within Stata and you will get an
accurate-to-the-minute list of the stuff added *OR MODIFIED* in the
last 30 days. Knowing what has been modified is useful if you have
installed an earlier version to take advantage of bugfixes or
which accesses the same information set (actually -ssc whatsnew- runs a
variation on the PHP script and formats the result as SMCL rather than
HTML). The web version makes the distinction between new content
("Created") and revisions ("Revised"). But ssc whatsnew is better if
you are already running Stata, since you can immediately issue other
ssc commands to get the stuff.
Several updates are awaiting my attention today, so the result of
either of these enquiries will change later this afternoon EST.