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re: st: ado uninstall q

From   David Airey <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   re: st: ado uninstall q
Date   Mon, 6 Dec 2004 11:07:12 -0600

Ed wrote
I have a seemingly simple question. When I try to uninstall a user written
ado file (specifically an older version of estout using the command "ado
uninstall estout"), I receive the following error message:

criterion matches more than one package

I must have installed a previous version of estout without removing an even
earlier one. I can't see an easy solution listed in the ado help file. How
can I remove all older versions of estout (so that I can download the latest
version posted to SSC last week?

This is a common problem; the tracking file that Stata uses to figure out what you have done before gets addled. However using the 'replace' option on ssc

ssc install foo, replace

will deal with it properly---you don't have to uninstall first. ssc will just overwrite any existing files with what it now downloads.


In Stata/SE 8.2, even when you do this, a record of the old version is still in the viewer under "ado dir". And you can uninstall a previously "overwritten" package. In fact I find I have to uninstall if I don't want my ado dir to have multiple copies. Maybe this is only on the OS X version?

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