Thanks. Now this is running.
Michael Blasnik wrote:
see -help return-. It tells you that you need to tell Stata what kind
of result to return. You probably want -return scalar bssamir =...
You can suppress the output of summarize using quietly (quietly
summarize ....), or in the example you give, you can just use the
meanonly option which automatically supresses the output (summairze
..., meanonly) and also works a little faster.
Michael Blasnik
----- Original Message ----- From: "samirkc" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, November 09, 2004 10:43 AM
Subject: st: error message- invalid syntax
dear statalisters,
I am trying to bootstrap the output (icer) of following program and i
am writing program for the first time. But whenever i run this
program by typing bssamir, it gives four tables of command
summarize but at the end there is an error message " invalid
syntax". The program goes like this:
program bssamir, rclass
version 8.2
summarize difqol if group == 0
local e0 = r(mean)
summarize difqol if group == 1
local e1 = r(mean)
summarize tcost if group == 0
local c0 = r(mean)
summarize tcost if group == 1
local c1 = r(mean)
return bssamir = (`c1' - `c0')/ (`e1' - `e0')
Please suggest what is wrong with my program. Also, how to run it
without any output tables.
Thank you
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