dear statalisters,
I am trying to bootstrap the output (icer) of following program and i am
writing program for the first time. But whenever i run this program by
typing bssamir, it gives four tables of command summarize but at the
end there is an error message " invalid syntax". The program goes like this:
program bssamir, rclass
version 8.2
summarize difqol if group == 0
local e0 = r(mean)
summarize difqol if group == 1
local e1 = r(mean)
summarize tcost if group == 0
local c0 = r(mean)
summarize tcost if group == 1
local c1 = r(mean)
return bssamir = (`c1' - `c0')/ (`e1' - `e0')
Please suggest what is wrong with my program. Also, how to run it
without any output tables.
Thank you