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Re: st: RRR with CI from logit model

From   Constantine Daskalakis <>
Subject   Re: st: RRR with CI from logit model
Date   Tue, 02 Nov 2004 12:37:54 -0500

At 12:27 PM 11/2/2004, Michael Ingre wrote:

On 2004-11-02, at 17.26, Ron�n Conroy wrote:

Relative risks make so much more sense than odds ratios
I totally agree. That's why I'm trying to estimate RRRs with my logit model. RRRs make a nice addition to the predicted probabilities. I also have the objective to show that individuals differ in their subject specific RRRs because of differences in overall propensity (the random intercept).

Well, it's not exactly the random intercept. It's more the form of the model.
The fact that you are using logistic regression means that the odds ratio will be the same for everyone with a specific covariate pattern. By definition, the risk ratio will NOT be. The model forces it that way.

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Constantine Daskalakis, ScD
Assistant Professor,
Biostatistics Section, Thomas Jefferson University,
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