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RE: st: RRR with CI from logit model

From   Leonelo Bautista <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   RE: st: RRR with CI from logit model
Date   Tue, 02 Nov 2004 10:16:58 -0600

Jose Maria is right. -logistic- converges in cases where -binreg- and -glm-
fam(bin) link(log) do not. However, in cases where the odds ratio is not a
good estimate of the relative risk, it is worth trying -binreg-. 

Now that you bring up this issue, years ago I asked why the first -binreg-
(from STB50) converged in cases where the -binreg- that came with Stata 7.0
did not. Bobby Gutierrez was kind to explain that, in Stata 7, -binreg- was
"just a fancy front end to -glm, fam(binomial)-", and that in cases of
numerical instability slight differences in algorithms between -binreg- and
-glm- would produce different answers. Now, Bobby's answer made me suspect
that the corrections to keep the predicted probabilities within the 0-1
range, which were implemented in the first -binreg-, may not have been
preserved in future versions. As far as I understand, -binreg- from Stata
8.0 is the same as -binreg- from Stata 7.0. I'd be relief if somebody
confirms that my suspicion is unfounded.

A few months ago, I tried the first -binreg- and the one in Stata 8.0 in the
same large data set and found the same problem: using the rr option, the
original -binreg- converges, but the new one does not. My question elicited
no response. 

Just in case, I still keep and prefer to use the first version of -binreg-,
which I verified was consistent with the GLIM code used by S. Wacholder when
he first proposed using binomial regression (Am J Epidemiol. 1986

Leonelo Bautista

-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of [email protected]
Sent: Tuesday, November 02, 2004 9:18 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: RE: st: RRR with CI from logit model

Citando Leonelo Bautista <[email protected]>:

> I think Ronan Conroy's advice in this case is very sound. .....> 
> On the other hand, I fail to see why you want to calculate relative risks
> from a logistic model.  If that's the case, as Joseph
> Coveney suggested, you can use -glm- fam(bin) link(log), or -binreg-. That
> should allow you to calculate absolute and relative risks with their
> confidence intervals for any values of your independent variable. 
> ....
> Leonelo Bautista
Dear Statalisters:
let me enter late at this thread, to remind that -binreg- or -glm- f(bin)
link(log) many times fail to converge, in situations when logistic runs
Jose Maria

Faculdade de Saude Publica/ Departamento de Epidemiologia
Sao Paulo

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