Has anyone had any luck running Stata remotely under OS X? I am
trying to do so on a machine running 10.2.8 (tcsh shell):
[remotebox:~] pschumm% echo $REMOTEHOST
[remotebox:~] pschumm%
/Applications/Stata/StataSE.app/Contents/MacOS/StataSE -e do foobar.do
kCGErrorIllegalArgument : initCGDisplayState: cannot map display interlocks.
kCGErrorIllegalArgument : CGSNewConnection cannot get connection port
kCGErrorInvalidConnection : CGSExtractEventRecordsFromMessage:
Invalid connection
kCGErrorIllegalArgument : CGSNewConnection cannot get connection port
kCGErrorInvalidConnection : CGSSetRegisteredCursor: Invalid connection
kCGErrorIllegalArgument : CGSGetDisplayBounds (display 0)
kCGErrorIllegalArgument : CGSNewConnection cannot get connection port
kCGErrorIllegalArgument : CGSNewConnection cannot get connection port
INIT_Processeses(), could not establish the default connection to the
As you can see, I have my REMOTEHOST environment variable set; my
understanding was that Stata would look for this and, if it found it,
not attempt to invoke the status indicator in the dock, menu bar,
etc. It would seem that this is what is causing Stata to crash. I
have also tried this under bash, and get the same problem.
I'd be interested to know if someone has done this successfully, and
if so, if he or she had to do something special to get it to work.
If not, I must be doing something wrong on my end and I'll keep