This can be achieved in any serious text editor -- emacs might be
something that exists across platforms; I am using WinEdt. I have not
yet figured out though if there is a way to send a do-file into an
existing Stata session, the way it works with Stata's internal DoEdit,
but I am fine pressing "PgUp + Enter", it is about as many key strokes
as would launch Stata from DoEdit anyway :)
On Wed, 20 Oct 2004 13:10:51 +0100, Ron�n Conroy <[email protected]> wrote:
> >* The ability to have more than one syntax (STATA do
> >file) window open
> >at any one time (and no character limits in each one). I like
> >to have one
> >syntax file holding data manipulation commands and another
> >file holding the actual 'analysis' commands.
> >
> It's enjoying great popularity on Stata on OS X.
Stas Kolenikov
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