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Re: st: Inappropriate use of list

From   Richard Williams <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Inappropriate use of list
Date   Thu, 07 Oct 2004 09:28:37 -0500

At 09:59 AM 10/7/2004 -0400, Marcello Pagano wrote:
Tony makes some very important points here, some of which are already
in the FAQ. Maybe this is a good time to remind everyone to read the FAQ,
As an additional tip, if you want the data to be available and you have your own web page, just put the data on the web and provide a link or an appropriate -webuse- command. With large data sets I do that rather than send attachments, and it is definitely better to do it that way than to include the data in the text of an email message. Also, if the data file is already in Stata form, more people may be willing to take a crack at the problem than they will be if they have to take your listing and create a Stata file themselves.

Richard Williams, Associate Professor
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