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Re: st: Inappropriate use of list

From   Marcello Pagano <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Inappropriate use of list
Date   Thu, 07 Oct 2004 09:59:19 -0400

Tony makes some very important points here, some of which are already
in the FAQ. Maybe this is a good time to remind everyone to read the FAQ,

There you will find the admonition against the use of MIME. Also, to those who
have not had luck posting, you will see that Statalist does not accept formatted
messages; use "Plain Text" for your outgoing messages. (Some users are confused
because if they attempt to post a formatted message, majordomo just swallows
the message with no response to the person attempting to post.)
You will also find that brevity is not only laudable, but also necessary, and that there
already is a size limit to messages that Statalist will accept. To quote Nick Cox,

"The best advice is to rewrite the question so that the key issue is made as clear as possible but also is stated as briefly as possible."
Please, everyone, before posting the first time, take a few minutes to read the FAQ.



Lachenbruch, Peter wrote:

I get the list in digest form. When someone addresses a question to
tech-support I don't mind too much but when accompanied by 8000 lines of
data that most of us have no interest in I draw the line. I can't simply
delete it as I lose everything following. I also have a problem with MIME
format which is garbage on my Blackberry.
I suggest that we have a limit on the number of lines - say 100 to 200. If
such postings were returned to sender with a reason our list would be more
effective. It would also have the effect of limiting lengthy back and forth
with tremendous useless redundancy. Peter A. Lachenbruch
Director, Division of Biostatistics, CBER
Tel. 301-827-3320
FAX: 301-827-5218
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