Here is one way to build up a big matrix with the results from
sysuse auto, clear
local i = 1
foreach var of varlist price mpg weight {
quietly tabstat `var', stat(mean sd) by(foreign) save
tabstatmat mat
if `i'==1 {
matrix bigmat = mat
else {
matrix bigmat = bigmat \ mat
local i = `i' + 1
Hope this helps,
Friedrich Huebler
--- Camelia Minoiu <[email protected]> wrote:
> I would like to obtain summary statistics (by another variable) for
> a list
> of 100 variables, and then save all of these in one big matrix, and
> preferably have this exported into a text file.
> I have been following the discussion surrounding -tabstatmat-as
> well as that
> regarding the command - mat2txt- (Feb 2004) but running mat2txt
> on my
> computer gives me the error message: "version 8.2 not supported" (I
> use
> Stata 8) and with tabstatmat I don't know if I can do this
> repeatedly. For
> example, writing a tiny program such as the one below does not seem
> to work:
> foreach X of varist v1-v100 {
> quietly tabstat `X', statistics(mean, sd) by(category_`X') save
> tabstatmat mat`X'
> svmat mat`X'
> keep mat`X'*
> dropmiss, obs
> outsheet using c:\data\matrix.txt
> }
> Do you happen to know what I can do so that all the results from
> each
> tabstat on each variable are appended together in one big matrix?
> Thank you in anticipation.
> Camelia Minoiu
> PhD Student
> Department of Economics, Columbia University
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